A few words about

What We Do

Our projects

Our organization focuses on a wide spectrum of issues affecting PWDs

capacity building

Capacity building refers to the intentional and sustained effort to improve an organization’s functioning.

When capacity building is successful, it strengthens an organization s’ ability to fulfil its mission over time and to have a positive impact on lives and communities.

There are seven distinct dimensions of an organization’s capacity:

  • Vision and impact
  • Governance and leadership
  • Program delivery
  • Resource generation
  • Internal operations and management
  • Evaluation and learning
  • Strategic relationships

CDPOK contributes to the effective and proper management of its member organizations so that they are able to make best use of their human and financial resources to maintain business sustainability.

Our great focus is on delivering successful strategies, emerging tools as well as specific skills and tactics necessary to build the capacity of our members and empowering the organizations to perform better internally and towards the community they serve. 

Advocacy & AWARENESS

Advocacy and awareness activities are an important part of improving the living conditions of PWDs as well as their human rights.


Advocacy and awareness play a crucial role in helping individuals looking for an opportunity to make their voice count and to have a say in crucial decisions that directly affect PWDs.


Most recently, advocacy has helped PWDs organizations to get involved in the review of the BBI towards the amendment of the 2010 constitution.


Advocacy is not restricted to government officials and politicians taking notice of critical issues affecting the lives of PWDs, it gives people the power to understand their issues and to voice their thoughts.


This could mean speak up to lobby the government for increased state appointment of PWDs, encouraging legislators to vote for bills that better lives of PWDs, or joining hands with other advocates to raise awareness.

CDPOK provides a greater platform for voicing such issues.


Community development has undergone several facets in a bid to deliver better and efficient services to the target beneficiaries.


Donors and development practitioners believe that the CBOs collaborative model in development is more effective and efficient in undertaking community development projects.


However, research shows that CBOs find challenges in their collaboration arising from their incongruent organizational vision, mission & values, limited nature and type of activities, non-facilitative structures and processes, and over reliance on donor resources that come with strict conditions that quite often work against the spirit of collaboration.


Fortunately, studies recommend that the capacity of CBOs should continuously be built to enable them engage in collaborations meaningfully while embracing peace building and conflict resolution as they collaborate.


Further, CBOs and NGOs should look for other sources of funding to avoid over reliance on donor funds.


The government should come up with a framework of supporting and monitoring joint projects by CBOs to enhance accountability.


The objective of CDPOK is to promote the effectiveness of collaboration in community development projects among its member organizations.


There is need for organizations working to contribute to the elimination of the structural causes of poverty, the realization of human rights, to protect the environment and to achieve sustainable patterns of development for PWDs to cooperate increasingly across geographical and institutional boundaries to strengthen and improve the impact of their work.


These collaborations manifest a new political reality in the global realm since such organizations come together to mobilize, articulate, and represent PWDs’s interests or concerns at different levels of decision-making: locally, nationally, and internationally.


A more unionized body of PWDs organizations has the capacity to take a greater political responsibility in articulating PWDs issues at the policymaking level as envisaged in CDPOK