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Consortium of Disabled Persons’ Organizations in Kenya
We work towards ensuring a life free from inequality and discrimination for PWDs
About us

Helping people with disability never doubt that they are Valuable & Powerful

CDPOK is the UMBRELLA of Disabled Persons Organizations in Kenya that bring together organizations formed by and for persons with disabilities, and organizations working for persons with disabilities together to speak in one voice

Come join us

We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as PWDs and take the lead.


We organize inclusive events for PWDs Organizations

30 MARCH, 2022

30 March 2022

In partnership with @WFD_Kenya , CDPOK(representing OPDs), CSOs & political parties’, we prepared an inclusive elections minimum standards document that we’ve today, handed over to @ORPPKenya  in the presence of Chief Registrar, Ms. Ann Nderitu and @IEBCKenya. The Standards are intended to inform the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes; to strengthen accountability to PWDs; and to support advocacy, capacity-building and preparedness measures on disability across the developmental system. #OneDisabilityVoice

22 MARCH, 2022

22 March 2022
Inclusive elections, where all those eligible have the opportunity to vote to choose their elected representatives, are central to democracy. Ensuring that PWDs can participate without unfair barriers is a core component of delivering an inclusive election.

Join us NOW (CDPOK, ANDY, NONDO) as we have this conversation on why it is important to have inclusive elections! #OneDisabilityVoice

17 JANUARY, 2022

17 January 2022
As we kick-start our new project on Inclusive Elections, we are privileged today to host our Board’s Chairperson, in a meeting that will set the strategy and the future choices that our organization will take. We look forward to realizing free, fair and inclusive elections for our PWDs’ constituents. #OneDisabilityVoice

10 NOVEMBER, 2021

10 November 2021

We are privileged to be invited by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung to a luncheon meeting on the role of the Judiciary in safeguarding Constitutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. This will see exchange of ideas, experiences, successes and challenges on the development and strengthening of effective legal and judicial systems in the region. Key Speakers are Dr Willy M Mutunga and Prof. Yash Pal Gai.


15 SEPTEMBER, 2021

15 September 2021

Courtesy of National Democratic Institute , we engage other stakeholders today on developing a joint advocacy agenda around disability inclusive elections and we are looking forward to developing effective strategies on the same. Looking keenly from the enactment of The Constitution of Kenya 2010’s successes, challenges and lessons learnt, we shall be able to create best practices for the forthcoming 2022 elections. #OneDisabilityVoice

3 JUNE, 2021

3 June 2021 2

Courtesy of Westminster Foundation for Democracy and Demo Finland we are continuing discussions on the Political Parties’ progress towards implementation of the various commitments that they had pledged on inclusion of PWDs. We shall also look at DPOs and CSOs informal and formal relationships made with political parties/members participation in political processes. We are for Inclusion of PWDs in the political arena as we gear towards the forthcoming general elections.

“Our outcomes on the various convening that we’ve been having, haven’t been reaching the targeted audience. We also need a Committee that will put in-check the political parties on the best practices that have been shared in the forums,” Chairman Joseph Atela. #OneDisabilityVoice

9 MARCH, 2021

9 March 2021
Our leadership officially received the SRH IEC Material from Women Spaces Africa that will come in handy for all Visually Impaired individuals across the country, in matters or Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. #OneDisabilityVoice

3 MARCH, 2021

3 March 2022

Disability inclusion is critical to achieving universal health coverage without financial hardship, because persons with disabilities are:

– three times more likely to be denied health care
– four times more likely to be treated badly in the health care system
– 50% more likely to suffer catastrophic health expenditure.

Disability inclusion is critical to achieving better protection from health emergencies, because persons with disabilities are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, including:

– directly due to increased risk of infection and barriers in accessing healthcare
– indirectly due to restrictions to reduce spread of virus (e.g., disruptions in support services).

Disability inclusion is critical to achieving better health and well-being, because persons with disabilities are:

– 4–10 times more likely to experience violence
– at higher risk of nonfatal injury from road traffic crashes.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO)


25 FEBRUARY, 2021

Evidence on SRHR for persons with disabilities is sparse. It is in this line that we joined other young people today, courtesy of NAYA Kenya, to strategize on SRHR calls to politicians and political parties in this electioneering year. Global strategies and commitments for sexual and reproductive health and rights underscore the need to strengthen rights-based accountability processes. Yet there are gaps between these ambitious SRHR rights frameworks and the constrained socio-political lived realities within which these frameworks are implemented. #OneDisabilityVoice

25 FEBRUARY, 2021

25 February 2021
We commenced our countrywide Civic Education Trainings on the Electoral Process working closely with the electoral actors.
These trainings will create awareness for PWDs on their social and political rights and also build the capacity of PWD leaders at the national and local levels. #OneDisabilityVoice

23 FEBRUARY, 2021

23 February 2021
The Commission on Administrative Justice is mandated to address all forms of maladministration, promote good governance and efficient public service delivery by enforcing the right to fair administrative action. It is on this background that we have been obliged to honor an invite by The Office of the Ombudsman to have a consultative partnership meeting that will ensure our disability constituencies experience successful management of complaints and have confidence in the government. This partnership will in the long run, realize an awareness for PWDs’ communities on their social and political rights. #OneDisabilityVoice #InclusiveElections

22 FEBRUARY, 2021

22 February 2021

It’s easy to have blind spots about the way one conducts their business. That’s why we believe in partnerships that will bring in a set of new eyes that will help us spot what we may have missed. These collaborations help us adopt a new perspective or gain a different outlook about what we do, who we deal with, what strategies we pursue and even how we deliver services to our PWDs’ constituencies.

We appreciate Action Network for the Disabled and Northern Nomadic Disabled Persons’ Organization NONDO for the partnership and we look forward to realizing Disability Inclusion together, in the country and beyond. #OneDisabilityVoice

18 FEBRUARY, 2020

Evidence on SRHR for persons with disabilities is sparse. It is in this line that we joined other young people today, courtesy of NAYA Kenya, to strategize on SRHR calls to politicians and political parties in this electioneering year. Global strategies and commitments for sexual and reproductive health and rights underscore the need to strengthen rights-based accountability processes. Yet there are gaps between these ambitious SRHR rights frameworks and the constrained socio-political lived realities within which these frameworks are implemented. #OneDisabilityVoice

16 FEBRUARY, 2021

16 February 2021
On 15th of February 2022, having been well received by The Director of Research, Advocacy and Outreach, Dr. AnneMarie Okutoyi and her team, we were able to have a strategic consultative meeting with Kenya National Commision on Human Rights to establish a partnership that will ensure effective inclusion of PWDs in the forthcoming General Elections.
#OneDisabiltyVoice #HakiNaUchaguzi2022

11 FEBRUARY, 2021

11 February 2021
CDPOK is currently part of the Bilateral Meeting between political parties/DPOs/CSOs and Electoral Actors convened by Westminster Foundation For Democracy that supports inclusive and accountable politics around the world.
There will be discussions around what is being done or planned on inclusion of PWDs in the electoral processes by the various actors present in the meeting.

8 FEBRUARY, 2021

8 February 2021

Consortium of Disabled Persons’ Organizations in Kenya – CDPOK is the UMBRELLA of Disabled Persons Organizations in Kenya that bring together organizations formed by and for persons with disabilities, and organizations working for persons with disabilities together to speak in one voice.
We are hereby convened at this very day to bring to your attention the neglect and discrimination that we have continued to face as PWDs in this nation, even after 60 years of independence. We have continued to be oppressed yet we have a Constitution that is supposed to protect our rights as PWDs.
We would like to appreciate the fact that individuals who sit on political offices play a bigger role in ensuring that we coexist in our societies.
It is in this regard that, as a Consortium that brings together DPOs from all over the country, we would wish to condemn strongly the remarks by Hon. Junet Mohamed, that our very own representative at The Senate, Sen. Isaac Mwaura bleached himself so that he could be nominated to that very seat. This is an abuse to all PWDs that he has been designated to represent in one of The Houses of Legislation in the country.
Persons with Albinism are human beings who should be treated with dignity and accorded the respect that they deserve, just like any other person. Not long ago, we did experience inhumane treatment of our fellow PWDs being killed and their body parts traded to what was termed as an illegal trade to become wealthy. We did loose innocent lives and such utterances like those by Hon. Junet Mohamed would fuel such occurrences not only now but also in the future. There is no human who is more human than the other! What does Hon. Junet Mohamed, who is supposed to be honorable, mean when he says that Sen. Isaac Mwaura bleached himself? Does it mean that Albinism is now a procedure that one can undergo for you to be that way? If yes, how much does it cost? Is this done in the country or abroad?

CDPOK wishes to demand that Hon. Junet Mohamed should withdraw and apologize for his utterances towards Sen. Isaac Mwaura if he would wish to be considered as an honorable representative of his people in his constituency. He should also understand that he has gone against Article 27, Article 54 and Article 81 of the Kenyan Constitution, the provisions of the PwDs Act and any other relevant laws.
He should also desist from making utterances that will be taken to be looking down upon PWDs in whichever way. We call upon the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR), National Gender & Equality Commission (NGEC) and other human rights bodies to join and add their voice to this heinous act by condemning it to totality. He should understand that persons with albinism are PWDs too who deserve to be treated rightfully.
As PWDs, we deserve to be represented in the Houses of Legislation in the country so that our realities and priorities can be taken into consideration. Without this, it means that we shall continue to suffer yet the colonialists left this country long time ago. This is not a favor that we get but we have fought tirelessly to see this in the Constitution as an affirmative action in order to overcome the barriers associated with the election of persons with disabilities into parliament due to persistent stigma and discrimination. We too have a right to be elected just like any other person and urge Kenyans to elect as many persons with disabilities in the next elections as a means of ensuring that such discrimination and sense of entitlement is done away with.

Recently, Sen. Isaac Mwaura did answer to summons by the Jubilee Party on claims that he is going against the party’s stipulations. We would like to acknowledge the fact that our representative has always been vocal on matters that are infringing our rights and freedoms. His exemplary work has been witnessed in and out of the legislative chambers, which has seen him receive several awards.
We stand strongly and solidly behind our leader Sen. Isaac Mwaura who deserves to be accorded the respect and dignity just like any other leader of his caliber.
Lastly, our disabilities may be different, but worth noting is that we serve one Creator, who is the Creator of the Universe. This means that we are all equal in His eyes, therefore we should be treated equally. Our Politicians should not bring divides among citizens in the name of driving their own agendas.

8th February 2021
CDPOK – Nairobi, Kenya.

16 DECEMBER, 2020

CDPOK leadership had a very engaging and successful day with the newly appointed National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) Executive Director where we discussed important matters on disability inclusion and ways of collaboration. Watch this space #OneDisabilityVoice

5 NOVEMBER, 2020

We are honored to participate and contribute to the baseline report LAUNCH on the status of inclusion of PWDs in political parties in Kenya organized by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD).
The Westminster Foundation for democracy (WFD) through the partnership with DemoFinland is implementing Kenya Inclusive Political Parties Programme (KIPP) which seeks to strengthen inclusive multiparty democracy in Kenya by supporting political parties to develop effective provisions to respond to the strategic and practical needs of Persons with Disabilities PWDs within their internal party structures, political commitments, and policies.
WFD conducted a baseline survey on the status of inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in political party politics and documented findings in a report aimed at forming a basis for engaging political actors towards the creation and promotion of more inclusive political discourse, political commitments and public policy making.
The findings will further inform the creation of a data set that can deepen the understanding of incentives; stimulate national dialogue; inform legal and policy advocacy; and improve inclusive multi- party democratic practice and outcomes in Kenya ahead of the next general election in 2022.

1 NOVEMBER, 2020

Today CDPOK Chairman Mr. Joseph Atela joined fellow national leaders at Serena Hotel for a press conference and submission of the memorandum to BBI steering committee.
Find below the press statement.
Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the Press:
Today we want to give an official statement as regards the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) Report, therefore an official statement of all persons with disabilities in Kenya as regards the BBI report.
In summary we want to say that the BBI Report makes recommendations which undermine the letter and spirit of the inclusion of persons with disabilities which is captured in the Constitution.
It removes the seats reserved for persons with disabilities in the National Assembly and the Senate under Article 97 and 98 of the Constitution, thereby degrading the institutional arrangements via which persons with disabilities exercise representation.
The BBI Report is thereby a mockery of the very inclusion it seeks to foster and indeed it perpetuates discrimination in violation of Article 27 of the Constitution.
We want to lay ground of the gains that as persons with disabilities we are afforded by the Constitution.
The Constitution protects all Kenyans from discrimination.
Article 10 stipulates human dignity, equity, social justice, inclusiveness, equality, human rights, non-discrimination and protection of the marginalized as national values and principles of governance.
Articles 97 and 98 make express provisions for the representation of persons with disabilities in the National Assembly and Senate.
The County Assemblies similarly include legislators with disabilities,

30 OCTOBER, 2020

Our Chairman has been working with national leaders in the disability sector to push for inclusion of people with disabilities in the building bridges initiative since the official release of the BBI report.
We strongly believe that united we will overcome the challenges we face as PWDs.
If interested to join and be empowered under the CDPOK umbrella, you can inbox us your phone number or email address in order to send you soft copies of application forms.
Our impact
Influencing the way people, organisations, and movements think and act about PWDs issues.
Annual Reports